A guarantee for entrepreneurs of good and substantive cooperation with individual CENWIS Laboratories is the scientific and human resources potential of the Laboratories of the Science and Implementation Centre of the Silesian University of Technology.
Individual Laboratory Managers lead scientific teams, whose participants are also involved in technological and consulting work for entrepreneurs. Human resources potential of CENWIS
Human resources potential of CENWIS

prof. Przemysław Buczyński
Dyrektor Centre for Science, Research & Innovation Naukowiec i ekspert z zakresu technologii materiałów i nawierzchni drogowych, autor i współautor ponad 30 opinii eksperckich i opracowań naukowych wykonywanych na zlecenie ...
PhD Eng. Wiktor Wciślik
Head of Laboratory of Concrete Structures and Diagnosis of Technical Objects Author or co-author of expert opinions and scientific studies commissioned by economic entities, author of more than 60 scientific ...
PhD Eng. Sławomir Luściński
Head of Laboratory of Modelling of Intelligent Manufacturing Systems Recognised scientist and expert, creator of expert opinions and scientific studies commissioned by economic entities, author of numerous materials and scientific ...
PhD Eng. Mirosław Płaza
Head of Laboratory of Information and Communication Networks and the Internet of Things Technologies Scientist and expert, author of more than 50 scientific publications, monographs and patents awarded in the ...
PhD Eng. Mateusz Iwański
Head of Laboratory of Energy-Efficient Materials Technologies and Materials Engineering Scientist and expert in the field of materials and road surface technology, author and co-author of more than 30 expert ...
PhD Eng. Grzegorz Łukawski
Head of Laboratory of Virtual Reality Long-time employee of the Kielce University of Technology, author of more than 20 scientific publications, university teacher teaching highly rated classes on distributed processing, ...
PhD Eng. Artur Szmidt
Head of Laboratory of Innovative 3D Digital Modelling and Prototyping Scientist and expert, creator of 3 granted patents and author/co-author of scientific and practical materials and papers on current 3D ...
prof. Wojciech Depczyński
Head of Laboratory of Radiography and Computed Tomography Scientist and expert, author of expert opinions and scientific studies commissioned by economic entities, co-author of 10 granted patents and protection rights ...
prof. Sebastian Różowicz
Head of Laboratory of Low-Carbon Electricity Sources Scientist and expert, author of expert opinions and scientific studies commissioned by economic entities, holder of the granted patent "Generator especially for water ...
prof. Roman Deniziak
Head of Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence Scientist and expert, creator of expert opinions and scientific studies commissioned by economic entities, author of more than 130 publications and scientific studies. The ...
prof. Paweł Łaski
Head of Laboratory of Process Automation in the Metal and Foundry Industry Scientist and expert, author of expert opinions and scientific studies commissioned by economic entities, creator of granted patents ...
prof. Monika Madej
Head of Laboratory of Advanced Nanotechnologies and Nanomaterials Scientist and expert, creator of expert opinions and scientific studies commissioned by economic entities and author/co-author of more than 100 scientific materials ...
prof. Jolanta Latosińska
Head of Faculty of Environmental Engineering, Geomatics and Renewable Energy Scientist and expert, author of expert opinions and scientific studies commissioned by economic entities, co-author of 1 granted patent and ...
prof. Ewa Zender-Świercz
Head of Laboratory of Building Physics, Solar Energy and Hydropower Technology A team from the Faculty of Environmental Engineering, Geomatics and Engineering, led bydr hab. inż. Ewa Zender – Świercz, ...
prof. Artur Bartosik
Head of the laboratory Industrial Laboratory for Low-emission and Renewable Energy Sources Scientist and expert, author of expert opinions and scientific studies commissioned by economic entities, holder of 1 patented ...