The entire structure (building, bridge, pipeline, pressure vessel), as well as individual reinforced concrete and/or steel elements, can be included in the testing.
The tests specify in particular:
- strength parameters of homogeneous and composite materials under simple and complex loading conditions,
- identification, localisation and monitoring of destructive processes in complex materials and structures using an acoustic emission technique based on a method for identifying destructive processes,
- identification of underground infrastructure by GPR,
- the technical condition of building structures, engineering structures and critical infrastructure at chemical, petrochemical, energy and other plants – by NDT methods, particularly using acoustic emission and GPR methods,
- deformation and cracking of reinforced concrete elements,
- corrosion risks to the reinforcement in concrete, including those resulting from, for example, weathering, effects of chlorides or from mechanical damage to the concrete.
The tests are conducted:
- with non-destructive methods – using the acoustic emission method, optical system, ultrasonic analyses and GPR, optical scanner and corrosion analyser;
- semi-destructive methods – using electrochemical measurement equipment.
Technology Transfer Office

Main Lecture Hall, room 14
41 34 24 471
41 34 24 319
512 970 189