- Determination of the energy potential / biogas yield of waste biomass from different economic sectors, by determining a number of physical and chemical indicators, in particular:
– total content of elements (C, H, N, S, O),
– humidity, including surface moisture
– roasting losses,
– volatile parts,
– organic carbon,
– TOC – total organic carbon,
– heat of combustion,
– respiratory activity of micro-organisms in the biomass (O2/96h).
- Determining the susceptibility of biomass to biological decomposition.
- Gas analysis of reactors in which a preset biological decomposition takes place (aerobic or anaerobic).
- Process flow analysis of composting and biodrying (or methane fermentation) in proces reactors.
- Characterisation of products after the composting or methane fermentation process.
- Determination of the incineration capacity of waste-based fuels, waste and sewage sludge.
- Determination of volatile parts and transient humidity for waste-based fuels, waste and sewage sludge.
- Determination of organic carbon in soil, waste, plant materials and post-process products.
- Qualitative characteristics of water, wastewater, waste, soils, biomass, refuse-derived fuels (RDF).
- Developing a concept for the management of biodegradable waste from agriculture, horticulture, fruit and vegetable processing and municipal sewage sludge.
- Studies on composting and fermentation of sewage sludge, green areas-generated waste.
- Qualitative tests of ashes from thermal treatment of solid waste in the aspect of their management.
- Qualitative characteristics of the ‘stabiliser’ sent to landfill after treatment at the mechanical and biological treatment facility, in the light of the formal and legal regulations in force.
Technology Transfer Office

Main Lecture Hall, room 14
41 34 24 471
41 34 24 319
512 970 189