“The business of the future is already in your organisation. You just need to use the existing potential for new business opportunities and develop the technologies that require it!”
Research and Implementation Centre (CENWIS) of the Kielce University of Technology offers cooperation in:
- industrial research (the acquisition of new knowledge and skills to develop new products, processes and services or to bring about significant improvements in existing products, processes and services);
- development work (application of existing knowledge to the development of new or significantly improved materials, devices, products, processes, systems, services), including the preparation of prototypes and pilot installations;
- audits, expert opinions, analyses, measurements and diagnoses.
- All
- Digital Transformation
- Energy Transformation
- Industry 4.0
- Sustainable Construction
Surface diagnostics of components exposed to tribological and corrosive wear and the impact of the bioactive environment
Offer Contact prof. Monika MadejHead of Laboratory of Advanced Nanotechnologies and Nanomaterials Scientist and expert, creator of expert opinions and scientific studies commissioned by economic entities and author/co-author of more ...
Designing systems using augmented reality (AR) and mixed reality (MR)
Offer Development of desktop and mobile systems using augmented reality (AR), mixed reality (MR) and AR/MR glasses. Development of mobile applications acting as virtual guides (e.g. to a city, a ...
Development of manufacturing technology for functional nanomaterials
Offer Development of technology for the production of functional nanomaterials used for precision components, using modern surface engineering techniques, i.e.: atomic layers deposition (ALD) plasma assisted chemical vapour deposition (PACVD). ...
Industrial research and development works in nanotechnology and nanomaterials
Offer testing the physical and chemical, mechanical and structural properties of innovative materials at the macro-, micro- and nanoscale; modifying the physical and chemical properties and biological activity of functional ...
Study of micro hydroelectric power plants operating at low damming and low water flows
Offer The service includes: comprehensive assessment of the efficiency and quality of the conversion of water energy into electricity 1:1 scale testing of 20KW water turbines 1 modelling of small ...
Production and modification of technological surface layers, coatings (including bioactive coatings) and composites using nanotechnology
Offer The use of nanotechnology for the manufacture and technological modification of surface layers means that it is possible to obtain materials and products characterised by: barriers protecting against moisture ...
Simulation studies on IT tools and design of gas and liquid flow phenomena in RES devices and installations, using the Computational Fluid Dynamics method
Offer The service includes: creation of a virtual model of the device / plant in the form of mathematical equations describing the physics of the flow, using the laws of ...
Simulation of the environment using virtual reality (VR)
Offer Development of algorithms for efficient storage, processing and visualisation of large data sets for virtual reality. Development of systems simulating various types of environment, e.g. open spaces, buildings, hazardous ...
Testing and construction of inspection and measurement systems for quality control of manufactured components
Offer Contact prof. Paweł ŁaskiHead of Laboratory of Process Automation in the Metal and Foundry Industry Scientist and expert, author of expert opinions and scientific studies commissioned by economic entities, ...
Technological, research and advisory capacities in the field of solid biomass and biogas energy
Offer Determination of the energy potential / biogas yield of waste biomass from different economic sectors, by determining a number of physical and chemical indicators, in particular: - total content ...
Fast and efficient processing of BIG DATA
Offer The service includes: development of efficient big data storage systems for big data processing analytics of large repositories of data in the big data model high-speed data processing, using ...
CAD/CAM/CAE design and geometric modelling in 3D environment
Offer The service includes: creation of ready-made 3D models modification of existing models and sketches using CAE systems – verification and search for optimum solutions for analysed objects We design, ...
Mini-focus and micro-focus tests
Offer Mini-focus is a test with a resolution that allows diagnosis of typical structural components (castings, forged parts, welded parts) in terms of structural discontinuities (cracks, porosity, welding discrepancies). Mini-focus ...
Design and diagnosis of road construction materials
Offer Comprehensive assessment of the durability of road construction materials over the service life of road surfaces and traffic safety assurance. Development of non-destructive methods used to assess the quality ...
Analysis and optimisation of production processes
Offer The laboratory offers: Analysis and optimisation of the organisation of production processes, production logistics using 3D computer simulation modelling. Data engineering in the digitisation of production processes. Training for ...
Providing a test and research environment for application software design
Offer The test and research environment provided enables: verification of the performance of the application in a specific environment, at every level and throughout the software development cycle; carrying out ...
Configuration and implementation of video systems in production processes
Offer The service includes: design of a video system using the visible light/infrared spectrum; selection of the necessary technological equipment, including cameras, illuminators and computers; development of proprietary algorithms to ...
Testing of composite materials produced using incremental technology
Offer Research into new metal alloys and the creation of new composites. The equipment in place enables, among other things: introduction of metal powders with different properties; combining metals with ...
Modelling and management of a power microgrid powered by low-emission and renewable energy sources
Offer The service includes: Modelling of the electric power balance in power nodes containing defined sources, storage tanks, and loads, along with elements of forecasting energy production from RES. Management ...
Modelling and design of production systems
Offer The laboratory enables: Simulation modelling of the production process in the environment of a physical model of a flexible production line built using mechatronic technologies, industrial pneumatics, automation and ...
Tests of photovoltaic modules in laboratory or real scale (on campus or at the customer’s site)
Offer The service includes: Testing of photovoltaic modules to determine current-voltage characteristics, including the use of a solar spectrum simulator. Validation of the operating status of photovoltaic modules using thermal ...
Provision of an ICT testing and research environment for comprehensive research and testing of modern solutions implemented in call/contact centre systems
Offer The test and research environment provided enables: preparation of analyses and optimisation recommendations for individual communication channels covering the functionality of call/contact centre environments comprehensive research and testing of ...
Designing new robotic production lines and upgrading existing robotic production lines
Offer The service includes: selection of the necessary technological equipment; selection of the necessary software; development of algorithms for intelligent use of robots Contact prof. Paweł ŁaskiHead of Laboratory of ...
Optimisation of the installation use of thin-film solar panels
Offer Analysis and tests: effect of light wavelength on panel efficiency and performance effect of the angle of incidence on panel efficiency and performance effect of temperature on panel efficiency ...
Designing innovative IT systems
Offer Development of computational algorithms, with particular emphasis on: computational intelligence methods natural computations parallel computations minimising energy consumption. Development of applications based on machine learning, including: expert systems systems ...
Rapid prototyping of products and 3D printing
Offer The service includes: creation of functional device prototypes in 3D technology adaptation of equipment prototypes for serial production selection of materials and manufacturing process development of detail design and ...
Reverse engineering services
Offer The laboratory provides services in the field of so-called reverse engineering enabling the secondary creation of a CAD model for objects for which no such schematics exist. This function ...
Research into energy generation by radiation absorbers, including photovoltaic materials as accessories for façades and building enclosures
Offer The service includes: tests for determining the current and voltage characteristics of photovoltaic panels, modules and cells; tests within the scope of the exposure of building partitions in a ...
Design of embedded systems
Offer Concept, prototype and software development for embedded systems – real-time systems, distributed systems. Developing design methods for low-energy embedded systems using: ARM big.LITTLE technology components dynamic energy management via ...
Effective modelling and use of IT resources
Offer Developing specialised solutions and systems to enable more efficient use of IT resources, in particular: cloud computing parallel processing distributed processing Developing new cloud models for making computing power ...
Measurements of horizontal markings on asphalt pavements
Offer Scope of measurements of horizontal markings on asphalt pavements Reflectivity – day and night visibility Roughness – ensuring safety of road traffic. Contact PhD Eng. Mateusz IwańskiHead of Laboratory ...
Testing of hydroelectric power generation facilities using free fall (no damming)
Offer The service includes: 1:1 scale testing of 1kW water turbines; modelling of small water turbine blades; testing the current and voltage harmonic content of the returned energy. Contact prof. ...
Investigations into the effectiveness of the application of new low-carbon technologies in improving air quality and acoustic, and gas and liquid impacts
Offer The service includes: measuring the concentration of pollutants in the room: CO2, PM2.5, PM10; measurement of indoor air parameters – temperature, humidity and pressure; performance testing of ventilation and ...
Electric Vehicles
Offer Research aimed at determining the characteristics of electricity demand by car in real conditions, i.e., at the customer's site (the university has an electric delivery and passenger vehicle). Assessment ...
CT services for materials, semi-finished, finished products for Industry 4.0.
Offer The laboratory provides computed tomography services for materials, semi-finished, finished products for Industry 4.0. We carry out any type of measurement in the field of defect detection in its ...
Creation of digital object models based on 3D scans (reverse engineering)
Offer The laboratory offers creation of digital object models based on 3D scans by generating a fully editable 3D design from an existing physical model. In the generated 3D design ...
Research and development in general materials engineering
Offer tructural testing of road construction materials: analysis of the internal structure of the material including determination of the content of free spaces, their size and distribution in the material; ...
Visualisation and modelling of 3D objects in virtual space (VR)
Offer Development of systems for modelling and modifying three-dimensional objects in virtual space. 3D visualisation of equipment and object designs. Visualisation of objects on a micro and macro scale. Development ...
Monitoring and diagnostics of building and engineering structures using modern methods
Offer The entire structure (building, bridge, pipeline, pressure vessel), as well as individual reinforced concrete and/or steel elements, can be included in the testing. The tests specify in particular: strength ...
Testing of structural elements
Offer strength testing of structural elements for complex load histories strength testing of materials with homogeneous and complex structures (steel, composites, wood, ceramics, concretes) diagnosis and analysis of destructive processes ...
Research in a Wind Tunnel
Offer Maximum dimensions of the tested objects (0.1 x 0.1 x 0.1) m. Measurement of the longitudinal and transverse forces acting on the object. Determining the velocity and pressure profiles ...