As an entity of Construction 4.0, the Kielce University of Technology has equipped the Laboratory of Energy-Efficient Materials Technologies and Materials Engineering. This laboratory recognises material structures with their mechanical and physical characteristics, while providing the opportunity to create and modify materials used in construction.

Head of the laboratory
Benefits of collaboration
- increasing productivity and quality while reducing manufacturing costs,
- guaranteeing the correct interpretation of results, ongoing monitoring of the technical condition of the road infrastructure and the responsible determination of the period of safe operation
- opportunity for greater flexibility and personalisation of solutions.
Laboratory equipment:
- CT scanner for materials research
- FR – IR spectroscope
- epifluorescence microscope
- compactors for specimens of mineral and asphalt mixtures and rectangular specimens
- apparatuses: BBR, PAV, RTFOT, Proctor, UTM, Fraass, PiK, ductilometer with force measurement, DHR viscosity meter
- foamed asphalt generator
- apparatus for measuring the reflectivity of road surfaces.