The world’s first X-ray computed tomography system combining different sources of radiation! Improve the quality of materials with us and collaborate on technical solutions to extend trouble-free operation.

Head of the laboratory
X-ray computed tomography is a radiological examination of materials, products and equipment using a non-destructive method that is also characterised by very high resolution. The Kielce University of Technology tests material density with unprecedented accuracy and the ability to measure internal and external dimensions simultaneously, with insight into the fourth dimension. We test and measure materials, products and devices of widely varying dimensions, from biological samples to large composite elements.
Benefits of collaboration
- reliable visualisation of the internal structures of materials, products and equipment
- reliable prediction of weaknesses in materials, products and equipment
- immediate assessment of the precision of an object
- making it easier to determine the correction of identified errors
Laboratory equipment
- two micro-focus X-ray sources 225 kV and 450 kV
- mini-focus X-ray source 450 kV
- panel X-ray detector
- linear X-ray detector
- high-performance workstation for data reconstruction and analysis
- software for visualisation of test results