The Kielce University of Technology offers the possibility to apply modelling and simulation of production systems in research, implementation and training projects. We have a nationally unique, comprehensively and modernly equipped Laboratory of Modelling of Intelligent Manufacturing Systems.

Head of laboratory
Benefits of collaboration
- Increasing the competence of key employees within the scope of concepts and key technologies of Industry 4.0
- Effective application of advanced simulation modelling methods in production system improvement and development.
- Ability to use a realistic cyber-physical manufacturing system environment to verify prototypes of one’s own development projects.
Laboratory equipment
Characteristics of the Laboratory’s production system:
- computer-integrated flexible production line modules to simulate the production of a model product using a network infrastructure for data transmission and control and a dedicated MES production management system;
- automated and robotic production process using industrial robots in the assembly process, automated warehouse, AGV robot for inter-station transport, automated intra- and inter-station transport system;
- use of RFID technology to automatically identify product flows at each stage of production in order to track the location of transport pallets, progress of production orders, analyse production flows;
- use of industrial video systems to support an assembly robot;
- application of artificial intelligence and machine learning methods to the product video inspection workstation;
- real-time monitoring of energy consumption;
- computerised maintenance management, integrated with the MES system;
- real-time processing and visualisation of production data, access to historical data, provision of contextual information, use of collected data for production analysis and optimisation (costs, energy consumption);
- human-machine communication using a variety of interfaces: traditional computer screens, HMI touch screens, mobile devices (tablets, etc.), large-format touch screens, augmented reality AR technology
- CAD/CAM software for 3D simulation of a modular production system, including in VR mode; simulation can be run in stand-alone mode or in digital twin mode.