Advances in nanotechnology are resulting in more breakthroughs and technologies that are already changing and will continue to change the way new products are created and manufactured, production is organised and modernised, efficiency is increased and business objectives are met.

Head of the laboratory
Benefits of collaboration
- access to nationally unique laboratory equipment in nanotechnology and nanomaterials
- comprehensive nanotechnology and nanomaterial offerings within the scope of:
– industrial research
– development work
– technology services
– production and diagnostics.
Laboratory equipment
- particle size analyser
- environmental chamber
- T-01 and T-17 tribological testers
- testing platform with nano- and microhardness tester and nano- and microscratch tester
- microscopes: benchtop SEM, confocal with interferometric mode and atomic force microscope (AFM)
- a workstation for the manufacture of precision polymer components
- systems:
– atomic layer deposition (ALD)
– coating using plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition (PECVD)
– coating using physical vapour deposition (PVD)
– layer generation by ion implementation technique
– chemical deposition of layers (CD).