The Laboratory is an expert entity equipped with state-of-the-art technologies that conducts research and development work on the design of electricity generation devices (photovoltaic panels and micro hydro turbines) with increased efficiency and extended lifetime. The laboratory also diagnoses equipment that generates electricity from light energy and water resources.

Kierownik laboratorium
Transformacja Energetyczna to nasza kompetencja: badamy i rozwijamy konstrukcje paneli fotowoltaicznych oraz mikroturbin wodnych o podwyższonej sprawności i wydłużonym okresie eksploatacji.
Benefits of collaboration
Collaboration with the Kielce University of Technology is an opportunity to develop and offer to the market technological and user-oriented solutions that maximise the use of solar energy and water energy for industrial and individual purposes.
Laboratory equipment
- THIN – FILM PV technology panels with different module structures
- apparatus for the measurement of radiation and spectral measurements
- CdTe- and CdS-based polycrystalline panels
- light simulators
- a stand for testing electric generators
- a stand for testing electricity conversion systems
- a hydraulic stand for testing water turbines
- a stand with gyroscopic system for the analysis of light systems.