The Artificial Intelligence Laboratory of the Kielce University of Technology has an FPGA Computing System with significantly more computing power than conventional multi-process servers, and a GPU Computing System that is currently the world’s fastest computing platform for artificial intelligence problems.

Head of the laboratory
Benefits of collaboration
- ultra-fast and convenient analysis of large amounts of data
- creation and use of expert systems to analyse the current economic situation and forecast volumes of supply and demand, market activity, prices, sales levels, interest rate movements, exchange rates
- optimisation and streamlining of intra-company operational processes
- maximising the efficiency and effectiveness of IT software
Laboratory equipment
- a specialised computing cluster using a reconfigurable FPGA computing system, unique on a national scale
- a computing platform based on state-of-the-art graphics processing units (GPUs), with record-breaking performance in deep machine learning and data analysis (computing power of up to 2 petaFLOPS), reducing computing time from several days to several minutes
- software enabling hardware implementation of parallel computing
- computer cluster (16 nodes x 4 8-core Intel Xeon processors, 3 nodes x 4 12-core AMD processors, 32 TB NAS, universal processors)
- cluster of 8 Intel Xeon computing nodes with GPU accelerators
- cluster of 6 Intel Xeon computing nodes with FPGA accelerators
- IoT prototyping stations (runtime platforms for the most popular microcontrollers, sensor kits)
- software tools
- workstations equipped with multi-core processors
- and advanced graphics cards supporting computing
- Intel Xeon server clusters
- 100TB NAS RAID disk server
- Raspberry Pi 4 platform cluster
- ODroid C2 platform cluster.
Economic offers
Check out the offer of the Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence of the Kielce University of Technology, the best equipped “Artificial Intelligence” laboratory in Poland! We offer ultra-fast and convenient analysis of large amounts of data and maximisation of the use of available IT resources.