Head of
Laboratory of Building Physics, Solar Energy and Hydropower Technology

A team from the Faculty of Environmental Engineering, Geomatics and Engineering, led bydr hab. inż. Ewa Zender – Świercz, prof. of the Kielce University of Technology The project team are recognised scientists and experts, authors of many expert opinions and scientific studies commissioned by economic entities, creators of patented solutions and authors of scientific materials and studies. The lead expert on hydropower is dr hab. inż.. Zbigniew Goryca, prof. of the Kielce University of Technology, inventor of eleven patented solutions, including a slow-speed brushless motor, a vertical-flow water turbine, and a generator for a micro hydroelectric power plant. One of the studies by Prof. Z. Goryca was recognised as the “Polish Product of the Future” in a competition organised by the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development and the National Centre for Research and Development. The chief expert on building physics is Prof. dr hab. inż.. Jerzy Piotrowski, member of the Building Physics section of the Polish Academy of Sciences, author of 16 patents including “Transparent building partition” and “Protective folding louvers.” He developed the original design of an energy-active partition with an installed thermal barrier, powered by lost (return) heat from heat pumps. The chief expert on solar energy is dr hab. inż. Rafał Porowski, prof. of the Kielce University of Technology, member of the International Solar Energy Society (ISES) and member of Stowarzyszenie Branży Fotowoltaicznej – Polska PV (Photovoltaic Industry Association – PV Poland), co-author of Fotowoltaiczny Dekalog Dobrych Praktyk – 10 zasad bezpiecznej instalacji PV (Photovoltaic Decalogue of Good Practices – 10 principles for safe PV installation), which is currently being developed.
Examples of scientific publications of the Faculty of Environmental Engineering, Geomatics and Energy team dealing with renewable energy sources (Mariola Starzomska, Jerzy Zbigniew Piotrowski) “A set of wheel water turbine with the current steering – a mathematical torque model” Structure and Environment 2012, Ewa Zender – Świercz “ Improvement of indoor air quality by way of using decentralised ventilation” Journal of Building Engineering 2020, Anatoliy Pavlenko “Mathematical description of heat transfer through the body with a closed porosity” Energy, energy saving and rational nature use 2017, Zbigniew Goryca “Przydomowa elektrownia z wielołopatową turbiną wiatrową” (“Backyard power plant with a multi-bladed wind turbine”) Napędy i sterowanie 2017.
Faculty of Environmental Engineering, Geomatics and Renewable Energy
bud. Energis, pok. 3.10
41 34 24 870
783 230 251