“Intelligent Specialization Research and Implementation Centre (CENWIS) of the Świętokrzyskie Region” is a project implemented by the Kielce University of Technology and financed with funds from the Regional Operational Program of the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship 2014 – 2020.
Priority axis I – Innovation and science
Measure 1.1 – Support for research and development (R&D) infrastructure
Specific objective – To increase the marketisation of R&D activities
- Total cost of project implementation – PLN 85,008,571.65
- Value of project co-financing – PLN 71,304,120.52
- Implementation period January 2017 ÷ June 2022
As part of the project, 14 modern research laboratories were set up on the University’s campus. The subject matter of the research and development work of these laboratories has been very carefully selected. These laboratories will address the following scientific and economic fields, among others:
- nanomaterials and nanotechnologies
- renewable energy sources
- building materials and structures
- Internet of things
- prototyping and 3D printing
- robotisation of production
- mobile applications
- artificial intelligence
- virtual reality
- computed tomography
Usługi Centrum Naukowo-Wdrożeniowego Politechniki Świętokrzyskiej to konkretna odpowiedź na potrzeby współczesnych przedsiębiorców. Zakres działań poszczególnych laboratoriów został opracowany z uwzględnieniem najistotniejszych przemian zachodzących w rozmaitych gałęziach przemysłu.
All 14 laboratories are equipped with the most up-to-date technology available on the global market for specific industries and fields. Thus, the CENWIS laboratories will be equipped in particular with:
- a stand for the manufacture of polymeric precision components and 5 systems for application of nano-layers and nano-coatings
- a micro-grid equipped with, among other things, a virtual power station to monitor the production and distribution of electricity, stationary and mobile energy storage and a weather station for professional research and data recording
- a thermal manikin with 22 heating zones and a temperature range of – (minus) 20 degrees Celsius to + (plus) 50 degrees Celsius, with air humidity between 0 % and 100 %
- a system for the localisation and detection of defects in building structures which makes it possible to reliably assess the technical condition of a building in the surveyed area and to responsibly determine the period of safe operation
- a comprehensive call/contact centre system with many test agent positions
- production and IT systems for modelling production processes and managing the digital factory
- a computing platform based on state-of-the-art graphics processing units (GPUs), with record-breaking performance in deep machine learning and data analysis, reducing computation time from days to minutes
- omnidirectional treadmills with Virtual Reality equipment (goggles, shoes, controllers)
- the world’s first X-ray computed tomography system combining different sources of radiation
The initiation and, in some cases, intensification of the research and development activities of the Kielce University of Technology in the areas indicated above means simultaneously:
- strengthening the competences of the Świętokrzyskie Region in the areas of five smart specialisations (sustainable energy development, information and communication technologies, health and wellness tourism, resource-efficient construction and the metal and foundry sector);
- the opportunity to strengthen green and digital transformation activities, which will be supported by the European Union with very considerable funding, including through the European Recovery Plan and the new “Next Generation EU” mechanism;
- assistance and support for entrepreneurs seeking new and innovative technologies, which will have the potential to develop individual businesses and make them more competitive and profitable.
The main objective of the Project is to create – by December 2021 – conditions for supporting [in terms of infrastructure, equipment and personnel] the scientific environment, the business sector, public and private organisations, local governments of various levels and business support institutions of the Świętokrzyskie region in the field of scientific, research and development activities, using the laboratory base of the Intelligent Specialization Research and Implementation Centre (CENWIS) of the Świętokrzyskie Region, which includes 14 laboratories and workshops.
The laboratory base established under the Project will be used to conduct scientific, research and development activities in the areas of intelligent specialisation of the Świętokrzyskie voivodeship:
- metal and foundry industry,
- resource-efficient construction,
- information and communication technologies,
- sustainable energy development,
- medical services (within the specialisation of medical tourism).

The direct objectives of the project are:
- to build an interdisciplinary unique and innovative Intelligent Specialization Research and Implementation Centre (CENWIS) of the Świętokrzyskie Region with state-of-the-art research and development infrastructure;
- to create research and implementation facilities mainly for companies in the Świętokrzyskie region;
- to make the R&D infrastructure produced available to stakeholders on a transparent and non-discriminatory basis;
- to increase the research and development activity of enterprises leading to the production and preparation for the market introduction of new or significantly improved products, processes and services;
- to increase the use of research and development results in the region’s economy;
- to implement a mechanism enabling the Kielce University of Technology to use the supported R&D infrastructure for economic activity meaning the ability to generate revenue from research activities;
- to strengthen cooperation between enterprises – with the scientific sector and the pro-innovation business environment.
The scientific and research objectives of the project are:
- to prepare infrastructure, equipment and personnel for the implementation of tasks resulting from the needs of the scientific community, the business sector, various levels of local government and the business environment institutions of the Świętokrzyskie region in the area of scientific, research and development activities;
- to create opportunities for the implementation of innovative ideas and/or a pending patent application by carrying out in-service tests and making prototypes in the new scientific and research base;
- knowledge transfer and technology development for resource-efficient building solutions, energy efficiency systems, renewable energy equipment, fuel technology;
- knowledge transfer and development of innovative solutions for the metal and foundry sector and ICT;
- implementation of innovative medical services, translating (in the long term) into the development of medical and spa tourism in the Świętokrzyskie region;
- raising the level of technological development and innovation in the Świętokrzyskie voivodship;
- promoting innovative technological solutions to reduce CO2 and greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to the protection and improvement of the environment.